Need a Pad Printing Service?

Are you looking to connect with a professional pad printer? Do you have a pad printing job to discuss or do you need to get an estimate? If so we can help.

As a leading supplier of pad printing supplies and equipment, we have relationships with pad printers across Canada to suit any job size.

Whether your job requires one colour or six, is small or large volume, we can help put you in touch with a suitable pad printer in your area.

To get started, use the form on this page to provide us with your contact information as well as some information (quantity, substrate, colours etc,) about what you need printed.

If you prefer, you can call us directly at (905) 267-0126 and ask to speak with someone about a printer referral.

Please tell us your full name.
Please enter your email address here.
Please enter your phone # (123-456-7890)
Where are you located?
Job details go here. (Minimum 15 characters. No links please.)
Sending us a picture of the item you want to print on may help us to respond better? Max.size is 4M and accepted types are jpg, png, heic, heif, or pdf.
Please make sure the file is under 4M with the accepted file type.